Future Materials 2022 took place in Rome from Oct 3 – Oct 7, 2022, and provided an international platform for the dissemination of advancement in the research and development of Future Materials. Future Materials 2022 featured talks on new materials and research directions, nanotechnology-driven solutions in materials engineering, commercialization opportunities and challenges, and other important interdisciplinary topics. The previous two editions of the Future Materials meeting were attended by experts from both industry and academia, including the noble laureates and C-level executives. Brunel participated in the conference and disseminated the project FLAMINGo and its Al-MMnC perspective through an oral presentation.
MBN Nanomaterialia SPA VIA BORTOLAN 42, CARBONERA , 31030, IT
Email: info@flamingo-project.eu/
Project Title: Fabrication of Lightweight Aluminum Metal matrix composites and validation In Green vehicles Topic: LC-GV-06-2020 Advanced light materials and their production processes for automotive applications.
This Project has received funding from the European Community’s H2020. Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 101007011. The material presented and views expressed here are the responsibility of the author(s) only. Funding Scheme: H2020-LC-GV-2020