Europe’s annual powder metallurgy Virtual Congress & Exhibition will be taking place online from 18 – 22 October 2021. Euro PM2021 which is organised by the European Powder Metallurgy (PM) Association attracts industry leaders, decision-makers, respected academics and PM related companies and personnel from across the supply chain. Euro PM2021 Virtual Congress is set to feature a world-class technical programme that will define the latest developments in Powder Metallurgy (PM) over five full days of technical presentations, special interest seminars and exhibitions. The programme of plenary, keynote, oral and poster presentations will focus on aspects of Powder Production, Consolidation technologies, Materials, Applications, Tools for improving Power Metallurgy.
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Project Title: Fabrication of Lightweight Aluminum Metal matrix composites and validation In Green vehicles Topic: LC-GV-06-2020 Advanced light materials and their production processes for automotive applications.
This Project has received funding from the European Community’s H2020. Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 101007011. The material presented and views expressed here are the responsibility of the author(s) only. Funding Scheme: H2020-LC-GV-2020