Al-MMC can be manufactured in several other ways than casting technology and Spark Plasma Sintering is one of these As a supplier of metal, nanostructured powder, and an active player in the powder...
Our Project Coordinator, MBN Nanomaterialia participated in Formnext 2021, which took place on the 16 – 19 November at Frankfurt, Germany Aluminium metal matrix composites (Al-MMC) are a...
On the 16th of November 2021, our EWF Colleague Rita Gomes Bola presented the FLAMINGo general concept and objectives of the project at the EWF 59th General Assembly that took place...
Our project FLAMINGo Project H2020 was recently added to the Project’s portfolio of EGVIA 2Zero EGVIA is the European Green Vehicle Association for the 2Zero partnership with the European...
Yesterday we had our progress meeting remotely for the month of October 2021 In particular, we focused on:-Updates on WP3: Secondary Aluminium, Material delivery schedule-Updates on WP8: Details to...
Yesterday was the FLAMINGo monthly virtual progress meeting focusing on: -Management Issues and the production of Al-MMnCs in WP1 & WP3 by #MBN -Topology Optimisation – process...
On Monday the 26th of July 2021, the monthly progress meeting of the FLAMINGo project took place Partner discussed on the updates and plans for the WP1, WP3, WP4, WP7, WP8, WP9, the deliverables and...
The FLAMINGo H2020 Project partner, Constellium supplies with high strength 6XXX alloys the electric Audi e-Tron GT SUV and provides additional strength in case of a crash Specifically these...
Yesterday the Progress meeting of the FLAMINGo Project for the month of June took place All partners (MBN, AXIA Innovation, EXELISIS, OGI, Brunel University London, Constellium, Alke Electric...
Today, the Exploitation and Dissemination experts, AXIA Innovation and EXELISIS, organized a Data Management Plan Training Seminar with the participation of the FLAMINGo Project H2020 Consortium This...
Yesterday our Progress Meeting of the FLAMINGo Project H2020 with the participation of the consortium was held online The meeting was focused on the progress of the project, the specification...
FLAMINGo Kick-off Meeting, 18 February 2021 FLAMINGo is a Research and Innovation Action project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program...